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Las Vegas Nevada

Downgrade from Windows 8?


Windows 8 is not that difficult people, seriously. Windows 8 is just like windows 7 just the start menu is the main screen now and the desktop is an application like it supposed to be.  With little tricks we can make the windows 8 start menu back but still I rather teach you how to use windows 8 then to exploit you with the downgrade to stay in the past and I rather do that half the price.  Windows 8 is much better and more secure then Windows 7 and a bit more stable.  You don’t need a touch screen, nor do you need anything special and fancy to really enjoy it. The Metro Apps I found to be more convenient then you think it is.  I like to have my app separated from Windows Explorer (your desktop viewer + start menu + task bar etc…) Full screen and more focus that I don’t have to be or feel like I have ADD with multiple windows open.  In many cases this is good especially when you want to focus on work, reading, gaming etc…

But then again I guess people are just afraid of change yet they changed from Windows XP to Vista then to Windows 7, now Windows 8 changes things all over again they are also afraid of the change and I see a repeat as I did with Windows 98 to Windows XP, 0r from Vista back to XP.

Just have a nice 1 on 1 with me and by the end of the day I’ll convince you that Windows 8 isn’t as bad as you think and why down grading to 7 is bad for you.  Even though I still to this day Run Linux as a real OS, Windows 8 is a better step forward.  Just wished 8 was more theme able or really customization in how the metro apps look and feel.  Surely in time maybe The Stardock Windows Blinds will fix that.

Windows 8 RTM… Redux…

Windows 8, for over a month now I have been running it on my laptop.

It seems alright, I do know it feels much faster then windows 7 but the metro is still hard to work with it’s like the start menu is now full screen status. I want to set this up with a Windows 2013 server area.

I have been around on the windows scene since the big change from windows 95 to 98 and from windows 2000 to windows xp, and the big change from xp to vista.

Windows 8 feels no major different from Windows 7 in performance really other then boot times are faster and caching seems to be a bit faster with some applications and Metro does feels kind of useless with out a touch screen.

Hopefully this pushes the market for more touch screen LCD / HD Monitor + TV’s or even better kinetic use.